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Aussie-Indo Youth Exchange Program is sponsored by AII
baca judulnya! saya dah mo mati aja rasanya! tahun ini pemerintah provinsi jatim kebagian hosting fase-indo-nya AIYEP (Aussie-Indo Youth Exchange Program). bersama Dinas Pemuda dan Olahraga, saya dan bbrp rekan yg tergabung dalam PCMI (Purna Caraka Muda Indonesia) bekerja sama utk meng-organise keperluan acara ini.
manual works... spt yg di gambar ini :-)
pusssiiing!!!! blom lagi lokasinya yg lumayan jauh (Jombang dan Mojokerto, selama 2 bulan) dan manusia-nya yg hanya segelintir! Hiiikkss... hari gini kok ya mesti stand-by di lokasi 24 jam sehari? Gak pentiiiiiiiiiiing!!!
blom lagi gathering DCI pertengahan bulan ini... rencana gila2an ke bandung? oohh... skripsi gw gimana dunk? ada yg bisa pasang "kepala cadangan" ngga di leher gw? biar gampang mikirnya... kalo satu kepala pusing... lainnya bisa menggantikan tugas :-)
and guess what... gw jadi pengurusnya Ikama Surya (Ikatan Alumni Australia) utk periode 2004-2006... bersama Oma-Opa para profesor itu! Hehehe... dgn alasan... yg aktif yg muda2 aja! Giling kali yaaa bapak2 dan ibu2 itu :-P
dodY defines himself as a self-proclaimed late-twenties plain guy. after... God knows how many years, he finally managed to get out from FE Univ. Airlangga. lately, figuring out how to enjoy the heavy workload and endless boredom at work seems to be a challenging adventure. this guy considers himself highly energetic and vibrant, yet balancing banalities of being an incurable drama queen proves to be a full-time challenge. he sees himself clamored by surroundings of good friends that last for a lifetime. how? by ruling the cyber world for sure! this man confidently regards himself as half-Queenslander and being a huge fan of Brisbane Broncos is only a matter of local pride.
dodY lures himself into watchable flicks, smooth jazz, and delectable food. healthy recipes? oh, that stands merely as an unnecessary option! dodY claims himself a huge fan of Hanshin Tigers as a cover-up of having lack interest in sport. he lays great admiration on Carol Shields as much as his enjoyment toward her works. dodY finds an ultimate pleasure on his addiction to "jalan-jalan"; which refers to plenty of travel with lots of leisure. and, oh! this fellow thinks himself as an expert in Community-Development issue in the future. now, let dodY develop himself to behave well for the sake of a community to exist!
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